Mermaid Pose Yoga – Mastering The Naginyasana Posture

Mermaid Pose Yoga – Mastering The Naginyasana Posture

Any sport comes to a challenge that almost all players want to achieve. People consider it victorious to gain something you have been trying so hard to get. Yoga is no exception. Famous for its difficulty level, the Mermaid pose yoga is a milestone that all yogis want...
Cow Pose Yoga (Bitilasana) – How To Do As Beginners

Cow Pose Yoga (Bitilasana) – How To Do As Beginners

Yoga brings many fantastic benefits to our overall well-being because many asanas can help us stretch our bodies to relax. One of the most simple but effective yoga techniques we have to mention is cow pose yoga.  It is a great way to relieve stress and prepare...