Bow Pose Yoga (Dhanurasana) : How to do? & 4 Benefits Of This Technique

By Sophia Estrada
Last updated: Dec 15, 2022
Bow pose Yoga

If you’re one of the millions of individuals who spend their days hooked to a desk for long periods, Bow pose yoga is a must-have for you. Dhanurasana, or Bow Practice, is a backbend-like intermediate yoga pose. 

It’s one among Hatha Yoga’s 12 fundamental postures. The chest is expanded, and the back is deeply stretched by pulling your body up and backward. After a hard day of hunching over, this position is a terrific method to extend your back profoundly.

Basics of Bow Pose Yoga

This yoga posture can be done as part of your daily routine or a back stretch sequence. Bow position should be done after your body has warmed up from several standing and floor postures. 

Grab your yoga mat to get started. A yoga towel or yoga straps might also help you get into the stretch if you’re a newbie.

4 Benefits Of Dhanurasana Bow Pose in Yoga

Bow pose benefits you with several health advantages, including:

Enhance Hip Flexors

Dhanurasana bowing pose stretches the hip flexors, which are generally weak due to lack of usage. Hip unlocking can work wonders for circulation, lower back discomfort, and mobility in the region.

Digestion Is Aided

Dhanurasana engages your stomach and pelvis with the floor, massaging the digestive system’s organs. Holding bow pose can assist with constipation and stomach pain.

Increase The Strength Of Your Upper Back

Bow position strengthens the back and improves posture and mobility by using all of the back muscles as you reach back to grip your ankles.

Enhance Posture

This state releases your shoulders from the front, alleviating tension and eliminating slouching, which can help you improve your posture.

How To Bow Pose: Step-by-step

How To Bow Pose

Begin By Lying On Your Stomach

Start the bow posture by lying down on your stomach, arms at your sides, palms facing up. Maintain a hip-width distance between your knees.

Hold Your Ankles Firmly In Place

To elevate your upper body off the floor, raise your head along with clench your shoulder blades. Bring your feet as close to your buttocks as possible by bending your knees and squeezing them together. Holding the outside of your ankles with both hands, reach back. 

Raise Your Thighs And Legs

Lift your heels and thighs away from the floor once you’ve gripped your ankles, which should raise your head and upper torso.

Maintain Your Current Position

Push your tailbone into the floor while grabbing your ankles, keep your back muscles relaxed, and maintain the position for 15 to 30 seconds.

Beginners may find it challenging to lift their thighs off the ground. In this case, you can help your legs rise by laying on a rolled-up blanket with your thighs supported.

Common Mistake

To avoid injury and preserve an appropriate form, it’s critical to avoid these mistakes.

Bow pose Yoga common mistake

Holding The Tops Of Your Feet Is Not A Good Idea

The ankle is the safest area of the foot; however, gripping the feet’ tops might cause sliding. You may lose your balance and strike your chin or chest on the floor if your hands slide.

Knees Should Be Hip-Width

When your knees are too close together, you may have back pain. It can also cause straining by opening the hips inappropriately. Maintaining a hip-width distance between your knees allows your body to align properly and comfortably.

Carefully Rotate The Shoulder Socket

Throughout the exercise, make sure to rotate your shoulder gently and cautiously. Rushing through the reaching and raising of your arms might cause injury or discomfort to your shoulder.

Please Take A Deep Breath, But Don’t Hold It

You don’t have to hold your breath in the floor bow. Make sure you’re inhaling correctly to get the most out of this stance. As you bend into and out of the position, exhale. When you elevate your head, take a deep breath. 


Bow pose yoga is a mental, physical, and spiritual activity that may help you improve your well-being. You might be ready to go to more complex positions if you’ve mastered some of the fundamental yoga foundations.

However, this technique is not recommended if you are pregnant, have hypotension or hypertension, or have severe lower back discomfort.

Yoga Instructor At Yoga Bear

Sophia Estrada is very fortunate to have had the opportunity to practice yoga since she was 8 years old and expresses a strong love for yoga. Sophia would like to bring all of her knowledge and passion to help people gain a vital sense of energy, fitness and peace through helpful yoga postures and useful information.


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