Child’s Pose Yoga, Benefits & How To Do Balasana

Child’s Pose Yoga, Benefits & How To Do Balasana

Yoga child’s pose, also known as Balansana, is a common stance of novice yogis to take a rest between some difficult postures. It will stretch the hips, thighs, and ankles to put the mind and body in a relaxable status. So, you can gain many benefits from such...
Plow Pose Yoga – Making An Advanced Position Easier!

Plow Pose Yoga – Making An Advanced Position Easier!

The upper body practice of the intermediate-level Plow pose yoga works on our Throat (Vishudhi Chakra) and Solar Plexus (Manipura). The former takes responsibility for the choice, willpower, self-expression, and communication, while the latter can affect our digestive...
Wheel Pose Yoga How To Do Safely And Effectively

Wheel Pose Yoga How To Do Safely And Effectively

Wheel pose yoga (urdhva dhanurasana) is always ranked as difficult to do, requiring the yogists to take more time. When practicing it, you need to bend the body at the highest level so that it will stop when the hand touches the ground. To perform it correctly, you...
Camel Pose Yoga (Ustrasana Pose): 7 Steps to Mastery

Camel Pose Yoga (Ustrasana Pose): 7 Steps to Mastery

Camel Pose Yoga (Ustrasana) is an energetic and useful backbend that counteracts slouching and reduces discomfort from slouching before a computer or while driving. Camel Pose in Sanskrit means Ustrasana, with “ustra” indicating “camel” and...