7 Effective Yoga Poses to Heal Your Body

By Sophia Estrada
Last updated: Dec 15, 2022

07 May 7 Effective Yoga Poses to Heal Your Body

Yoga is an effective exercise routine which can help in stretching and relaxing your body and improving your overall health. It includes some of the most powerful exercises for the healing of mind and body. To start with yoga, learn these effective yoga poses to heal your body from any strains and minor muscle injuries.

Chair pose

Chair pose is easy to do, and you do not need a yoga mat for this. You can perform this yoga anywhere you want and get a quick lower body workout. It also uses your shoulders and traps when you are in a chair pose. As a beginner, you may face a slight discomfort in maintaining this exercise, but as you get along, you will feel more comfortable.

Downward facing dog

In this exercise, your body will experience an improved blood flow to the brain which will help you with the cognitive functions. It also helps in improving your overall mood and reduce anxiety. This pose also does not require much stress to the body as it is a resting yoga.

Forward fold

Forward fold is another yoga that relieves tension and stress from the neck, back, shoulders, and spine. It can help in calming the brain and reduce anxiety. It is an effective yoga to perform early morning when you wake up. You will also maintain a good posture if you do this yoga on a regular basis.

Mountain pose

Mountain pose is a standing pose which is the basic pose for all the standing yogas. It helps in improving breathing and body posture. Your body will feel much taller and straight, which will give you a positive outlook. Your confidence level will also increase with this yoga pose.

Tree pose

Tree pose is an effective yoga for improving concentration and awareness. It is easy to perform and can be done in compact spaces such as an elevator. It helps in creating a balance in life and improve your mental health by working on your anxiety and distractions.


Cobra is an effective yoga for relieving stress. It is effective in creating a positive mood and help your body to move more freely. It is also a good pose to remove any stiffness from your neck, back, and shoulders by releasing the tension in the muscles and improving blood circulation.

Crow pose

Crow pose is a helpful yoga which not only affects the mental and physical strength but also trains the mind to be patient and overcome fear. It is not an easy yoga exercise for beginners, but one should start learning it at an early stage to develop a habit in the future. You will also need a level of patience and caution while performing this pose.

Yoga Instructor At Yoga Bear

Sophia Estrada is very fortunate to have had the opportunity to practice yoga since she was 8 years old and expresses a strong love for yoga. Sophia would like to bring all of her knowledge and passion to help people gain a vital sense of energy, fitness and peace through helpful yoga postures and useful information.


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